General information about company |
Scrip code | 542665 |
NSE Symbol | NEOGEN |
MSEI Symbol | NA |
ISIN | INE136S01016 |
Name of the entity | Neogen Chemicals Limited |
Date of start of financial year | 01-04-2022 |
Date of end of financial year | 31-03-2023 |
Reporting period | Yearly |
Period ended | 31-03-2023 |
Level of rounding to be used in the disclosure | Crores |
Nature of results | Standalone & Consolidated |
Standalone result |
Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited |
Declaration of unmodified opinion or statement on impact of audit qualification | Declaration of unmodified opinion |
Auditor's opinion | |
Declaration pursuant to Regulation 33 (3) (d) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015:
The company declares that its Statutory Auditor/s have issued an Audit Report with unmodified opinion for the period on Standalone results | Yes |
Consolidated result |
Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited |
Declaration of unmodified opinion or statement on impact of audit qualification | Declaration of unmodified opinion |
Auditor's opinion | |
Declaration pursuant to Regulation 33 (3) (d) of SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015:
The company declares that its Statutory Auditor/s have issued an Audit Report with unmodified opinion for the period on Consolidated results | Yes |
| Audit firm's name | Whether the firm holds a valid peer review certificate issued by Peer Review Board of ICAI | Certificate valid upto |
1 | JMT & Associates | Yes | 31-01-2024 |