COMPANY ABOUT US LEADERSHIP TEAM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Neogen’s Journey Group Companies PRODUCTS ORGANIC CHEMICALS ORGANO BROMINE COMPOUNDS ALKYL BROMIDE COMPOUNDS DIBROMOALKANE COMPOUNDS BROMO CHLORO COMPOUNDS BROMINE DERIVATIVES OF ORGANOACIDS BROMOACID ESTER COMPOUNDS AROMATIC BROMINE DERIVATIVES CYCLIC BROMINE DERIVATIVES SPECIALITY CHLORO COMPOUNDS SPECIALITY CHLORO COMPOUNDS UNSATURATED BROMINE DERIVATIVES BROMO HYDROXY DERIVATIVES OTHER COMPOUNDS INORGANIC CHEMICALS INORGANIC BROMINE COMPOUNDS LITHIUM SALTS GRIGNARD REAGENTS ADVANCE INTERMEDIATES Chemistries INFRASTRUCTURE MANUFACTURING INFRASTRUCTURE MANUFACTURING CAPACITY UTILITIES ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY QUALITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ANALYTICAL SUPPORT INVESTOR RELATIONS Corporate Governance Financial Performance & Presentation Annual Reports Announcements Shareholding Pattern Intimation of Investor Meet Investor Contacts Unclaimed Dividend Corporate Social Responsibility Environment and Sustainability Disclosures under Regulation 46 and 62 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 REACH US REACH US ENQUIRY INVESTOR RELATIONS corporate governance Financial Performance & Presentation ANNUAL REPORTS Announcements Shareholding Pattern Intimation of Investor Meet Investor Contacts Unclaimed dividend Corporate Social Responsibility Environment & Sustainability Disclosures under Regulation 46 and 62 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 INTIMATION OF INVESTOR MEET Tab 2024-2025 Quarter 3 Analyst/Investor Meet 03.03.2025 Analyst/Investor Meet 19.02.2025 Quarter 2 Analyst/Investor Meet 19.11.2024 Analyst/Investor Meet 13.11.2024 Analyst/Investor Meet 18.09.2024 Analyst/Investor Meet 06.09.2024 Quarter 1 Analysts/Investor Meet 04.07.2024 2023-2024 Quarter 4 Investor Meet 29.05.2024 Investor Meet 01.03.2024 Investor Meet 15.02.2024 & 19.02.2024 Quarter 3 Investor Meet 18.12.2023 Quarter 2 Investor Meet 28.09.2023 Investor Presentation Sept 2023 Investor meet 16.08.2023 Quarter 1 Investor Meet 01.06.2023 Investor Meet 10.04.2023 2022-2023 Quarter 4 Investor Meet Feb and March 2023 Quarter 3 Conference Meet: 17-11-2022 & 02-12-2022 Quarter 2 Conference Meet September, 2022 Conference Meet 16.08.2022 Quarter 1 Conference Meet 07.06.2022 2021-2022 Quarter 4 Investor Meet 29.03.2022 Investor Meet 28.03.2022 Investor Meet 23.02.2022 Quarter 3 Investor Meet 02.12.2021 Brokers Conference November and December 2021 Quarter 2 Investor Meet 14.09.2021 Investor Meet August 2021 Investor Meet August 2021 Investor Meet 12.07.2021 and 13.07.2021. Quarter 1 Investor Meet 21.06.2021 Investor Meet 14.06.2021 Investor/ Analysts Meet June 2021 2020-2021 Quarter 4 Investor Meet 24.03.2021 Broker's Conference 24.03.2021 and 25.03.2021 Investor Meet 17.03.2021 Investor Meet 08.03.2021 Investor Meet 19.02.2021 Investor Meet 08.01.2021 Quarter 3 Investor Meet 08.12.2020 Investor Meet 02.12.2020 Investor Meet 26.11.2020 Investor Meet 19.11.2020 Quarter 2 Investor Meet 25.09.2020 Investor Meet 21.08.2020 Investor Meet 19.08.2020 Investor Meet 12.08.2020 Quarter 1 Investor Meet 29.06.2020 Investor Call 16.06.2020 Investor Call 07.05.2020 2019-2020 Quarter 4 Investor Call 23.03.2020 Investor Call 20.03.2020 Investor Meet 06.03.2020 Investor Call 21.02.2020 Investor Call 18.02.2020 Investor Meet 13.01.2020 Quarter 3 Investor Meet 23.12.2019 & 24.12.2019 Investor Meet 16.12.2019 Investor Meet 05.12.2019 & 06.12.2019 Investor Meet 04.12.2019 Investor Meet 29.11.2019 Investor Meet 04.10.2019 Quarter 2 Investor Meet 17.09.2019 Investor Meet 26.08.2019 Investor Meet 17.08.2019 Investor Meet 12.07.2019 Quarter 1 Investor Meet 06.06.2019 Investor Meet 31.05.2019 Investor Meet 28.05.2019